
Archive for July 28th, 2022

This is a short message but one can’t help but think we’re being lead down a rabbit hole even with Trump. Politicans are not to be trusted and the Republicans have not done enough to stop the Democrats. Its like another elaborate scheme to get us hyped up to vote in midterms only to lose again to the Democrats. Because we’re not really winning anything here other than distractions and false hopes that the American people can retake the country. We can but it would mean another war. People are too blind and distracted by lust, hate, fear, entertainment and just.. they’re not thinking about how to correct the problems in America or even praying what to do. Otherwise we would have ended this corrupt administration a year ago. But we’re still here in this mess and its getting worse. All we can do is pray.

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We must continue to fight to keep America together any way we can or allow it to fall apart if thats Gods will. Whatever the case pray and listen to God. Thats all we can do now. And despite the fact evil is getting what it wants which is pushing electric vehicles and closer to forcing them onto the American people (which they are already doing so by manipulation) electric vehicles are going to fail that much more epically.

Electric vehicles have so many problems and when they are being rushed out the way they are they’ll fail catastrophically. People need to hold onto their gas vehicles or trade them in for more economical ones instead of buying electric vehicles.

People also need to learn to stand up for themselves and ignore those trying to push them into electric vehicles. As some hard lessons with both auto companies and with consumers electric vehicles are just failing. Electric vehicles on a whole is unwanted despite the fact mainstream media lies saying more people are interested.. they’re not interested. Its yet another con to try to force interest in electric on others.

No matter what the case is people are fooled into believing America will be going to electric. A lot of wasted money being tossed down the gutter and that in itself is going to destroy America. We need to pray for our country that winning a huge Red Tsunami will save us from total destruction as then they cannot enact their electric future. Its dystopia. We don’t side or compromise with evil, we eliminate evil.

We cannot move forward otherwise and America is no longer free, or God’s country anymore. We do pray God has a plan as the wicked continues to destroy America.

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