
Archive for July 19th, 2022


This administration is something else here. They have all but destroyed this country but we’re quickly heading down this path.

We need a miracle for every last state to be flipped RED! Prayers may not be enough but we need them on overdrive here! The midterms are fast approaching which realistically Republicans just doesn’t have the votes for Democrats cheating.

This is just a fragment of what the Democrats are planning. They’re scheming, manipulating and flat out, GOING TO CHEAT! No doubt we need every Christian on board to pray they don’t succeed! Let alone as I have said Christians also can vote in order to keep their freedom of religion because this “climate emergency” is a prelude to their Liberal World order.

The signs are there, things are going to get way worse. Bill Gates buying farmland, our fuel and food processing plants are being attacked and we’re already underway for a total economic collapse. It can get worse, far worse. We can change things by voting every last Democrat out. Well.. Joe Manchin is a true American that doesn’t fall for all for their agendas. He is giving Americans the chance to fix the election by legitimately voting, no cheating and for a miracle that we can overwhelm the Democrats by a record amount of Republican voters.

We have to watch closely and be careful of the liars and manipulators! God is watching. We’re getting close to midterms and we must change to listen to God. Not the devil! The devil is sneaky. In order to listen to God and not the devil is by cleansing yourself, pray, and start reading the Bible. Be kind to yourself and others. You will soon see who is talking to you.

Pray hard for midterms, pray the Democrats cannot control us, manipulate us and deceive us. That movie, Liar, Liar.. is based on reality in the effect we can pray a simple prayer that the Democrats can’t fool us. That the truths come out for everyone to see which creates our numbers that we need to beat the Democrats with. That’s if God is really in the hearts of American citizens. Midterms will ultimately determine this. Places like California, New York and Illinois may be a devils breeding ground in which are a few states we really need to pray for. But we also need to pray for the RED states like Texas and Florida. They’re trying to flip them Blue. Pray for all 50 states is ideal.

Above all, pray for each other. Pray our brothers and sisters are safe and prepared for what could happen. Even if we win midterms we’re not entirely in the clear. Just means we will have more control over what’s to come and we also need to pray that we are ready for anything Satan throws at us. The Revolution is here.

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