
Archive for July 17th, 2022

Let’s recap here what are some reasons electric vehicles don’t work..

  1. Batteries lose up to 50% when cold
  2. Batteries degrade in which can be early as 5 years. The replacement batteries can cost more than $14,000 and isn’t easily replaceable
  3. Replacement parts including batteries are in short supply and the waiting times can be through 2027
  4. The electric grid is already failing, millions of EVs will crash the grid
  5. Charging can be a hassle, broken chargers and you need a 220v hookup to get any substantial charging done. Can be costly to install.
  6. Towing is limited to 80 miles or less. Not going to work for 18 wheeler, semi trucks.
  7. Can catch fire, repeatedly. Fires are hotter than internal combustion vehicles and can burn down your garage/home while charging.
  8. People do not want them. Over 85% of Americans are planing to stay with internal combustion vehicles despite higher gas prices. Some of the aforementioned reasons why they don’t want them but the simple reason people don’t want them is that EVs are not practical.

They know this and yet this administration tries to continue pushing EVs. Sorry but people don’t want them.


It’s amazingly ridiculous how they want to force 85% out of gasoline vehicles. That’s what evil does and we gotta vote these politicians that are pushing EVs. Every last one. We need politicians who will address our energy crisis not pushing impractical vehicles people don’t want. Its just evil what these people do.

They lie and manipulate people into electric vehicles despite EVs being widely impractical.

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