
Archive for July 11th, 2022

The biggest problem is that they have fooled people into thinking electric vehicles are the future. The solution to this is to stop advocating EVs. We got to give them up. No we shouldn’t blame the EV. But we need to stop giving the left power by stopping using and buying them.

By Duggan Flanakin ~ First, don’t blame the vehicle. It is a tool that might be just what Los Angeles needs to cope with inversions. Electric vehicles are also very good as airport shuttles and for other locations where short, repetitive routes are the primary use. Some may even be fun to drive (except when they catch on fire). […]

Electric Vehicles A Tool Of Tyranny

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Electric vehicles, abortion, gun control, LGBT and more is a distraction. These are dangerous problems but it’s all a way to distract people for the bigger picture, the New World Order. Or they like to call it “Liberal World Order”.

They don’t hide anything anymore and they do this because they think nobody will stop them. And they’re probably right. Because nothing stopped them from cheating the 2020 election to get rid of Trump, despite the fact you can see that the first night they stopped counting then restarted an hour later with only Biden gaining a crap ton of votes after dragging in mysterious suitcases and coolers? Food and clothes? Yeah dont think so, those were voting ballots.

They cheated, they know we know this yet they did it anyways and got away with it. As a result we got such a bad administration and people think they’re failing but, no. They are doing exactly what they wanted which is cripple American energy as another natural gas plant has been sabotaged. I’m saying sabotage because the same is happening with our food supply factories.

One time we see it as an accident, two you see something might be going on, three it’s not a coincidence. Of course we’ve surpassed 10 different incidents with our food and energy facilities which is cut and clear, the left is destroying America by cutting off our food and energy. They’re planning their New World Order.

Americans everywhere need to stop and consider voting Republican. That’s one area. Even if they happen to be RINOs we should have a method to recall them or force them out of office. Things will get rough no matter what. We have a better chance with Republicans widely in power.

California, Illinois, Washington, New York and other Democratic ran states need our prayers. It’s a long shot any of these states/cities could ever turn RED but we must pray for these states as they must go RED to avert the World Order agenda. It’s something that needs to happen here in order to save America. Pray hard and every single day. Because we’re headed towards the point of no return here.

Its going to be chaotic no matter what. With Republicans in control we can get the police and army to protect Americans. The Democrats won’t do anything so expect chaos to happen in any place still ran by Democrats. That’s why especially in the blue/Democrat ran cities are going to be the most chaotic.

It’s going to get far more bloody if the Democrats win. We go down this road, it’s going to be a full on civil war. The right is angry and when the system fails and we have no food or fuel people will revert to basic instinct and whoever is in their way will likely not survive. Its the end of civilization here because many people will not stand for the New World Order. So pray we win this midterms with Republicans and not RINOs because we stand a better chance if we have the right people in office.

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