
Archive for July 8th, 2022



I pray that Christians everywhere sounds the alarm praying that people wake up and see that if we don’t get fuel production going we’re headed toward total chaos. I also pray that midterms Republicans (not RINOs) can win these midterms because we need the blue states and the red states. We need to take total control of the situation because the Democrats do not have control over the situation.

They instead do their typical fear campaign that Republicans is the enemy. Democrats are not fit to lead, they shut down our country. They want to force us out of our gas vehicles by raising gas prices and creating another shortage. They cry and protest to kill unborn children, they allow shootings to occur to buy votes. They don’t solve any problems because they cause them then they create more problems by solving others. This is nothing but evil.

They do this to stay in power and control for their greed and selfishness. This must end. Judgement day is fast approaching for these people. These people chose to do evil instead of good so they will be punished for it. We can’t save these people. They have to repent on their own. We can however save those willing to hear us out. God will save us but we have to listen to what God wants us to do. And if its sounds wrong then that’s Satan. Nobody should be morally obligated to do evil. However some people don’t go by the same standards as new do.

We need to get fuel production, not electric vehicles

These electric vehicles are not going to work. We may not get the food or resources we need if fuel runs low. This administration is not doing what is necessary and the states are peddling this electric vehicle pipedream. We got to give up on this electric vehicle pipedream. We can’t continue with this. It has to be stopped!! This midterms even if you don’t vote considering voting because this is black and white, Republicans may get their revenge but they don’t kill unborn babies. They don’t create problems and catastrophes then ask for your votes. Republicans=good Democrats=evil anything else is a lie or there are RINOs, we need to fix the U.S. then the world. We cannot continue with the Democrats in power!

Pray every single day. If you need to write it down or set a reminder, please do so. We really need to because we are under attack by evil right now. A lot of things are riding on midterms and I pray we can hold out until then because if we get rid of the corruption in the states, we have a much better chance at fixing America. We also stand a much better chance at fixing our fuel crisis as well. Time is running out. We need a miracle here!!

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