
Archive for July 6th, 2022


Of course fakecheckers claim this is false mostly due to the fact people stand to lose billions in EVs and green energy. Whether this is true or not there is evidence showing that what climate hysterics saying is false. We’re not burning up because they don’t have accurate readings as they put thermostat or weather stations in plastic boxes instead of wooden boxes which the plastic absorbs the hear and throws temperatures off to make it look as if we’re heating up. These people are selling everyone a big scam. We don’t need to give up on fossil fuels, these people pushing climate change stand to lose billions of dollars they are trying to scam from everyone by pushing this green energy scam.

Its all about greed and control. Nothing to do with the climate. This unethical and evil pushing fuel costs to skyrocket to get people int electric vehicles need to be stopped at all cosrs.

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