
Posts Tagged ‘transgender suicide’

It was unheard of that a child would be considered gay or transgender. Even now people still scoff at the idea of transgender children. However more articles are popping up that children as young as two identify as transgender.


The absurdity that a child is transgender at the age of two is unrealistic let alone thousands of children are transgender. Parents should be furious, I mean standing outside of these gender expert houses with signs up saying “Stop experimenting on children!!!” starting lawsuits on these experts when a transgender child commits suicide. The overwhelming blinded sheep acceptance from people who dont know their right from left that has to get advice on how to tie their own shoes are helping damage these childrens futures.

Now I know these people mean well.. but they are sadly misguided. Its a problem however that people will put 100% faith that experts are never wrong. The experts that say children young as two can be transgender are flat out wrong.

The biggest claim is that a child will think suicidal thoughts if they can’t transition. When transgenders and experts say this a big red flag goes up and you have to ask who are these kids that contemplate suicide?

The first thing that isnt right is that many transgender adults who recently transitioned claimed they felt transgender since they were 5 or somewhere during that time. So they didnt feel suicidal or even give out hints?

Now all of a sudden kids are being suicidal because they are not allowed to be transgender. How does that even make sense? Where is the logic in a 40 year old transgender who claims they felt that way since 4 and to claim transgender children as early as 2 are thinking of suicide because they are not allowed to transition.

Its all mind games. Kids are not transgender. Kids lack the experience and wisdom to make a proper decision. When kids are being taught about transgender people they will start to think, if someone else can switch genders why can’t they? This is where we are seeing a major increase of transgender children. And this is what the transgender community wants. Besides their obsession with destroying biology between a male and female they just do not care what other people want. They want to be seen as something they are not.

Often adults who identify as transgender will threaten suicide in order for them to get what they want. Similar to a child throwing a tantrum because they saw a toy they wanted but can’t get. People often will help a person who is suicidal. What a better way for these people who claim to be transgender to claim suicide so they can transition and be in society.  Even better to corrupt a child’s mind by telling them they can transition if they want.

Professionals need to stop experimenting on children!

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Note: Before i continue i’d like to remind people that this is post is not to hate on a minority, as it’s a perspective that needs to be addressed.

A while back i came across this article, No, I Don’t Have To Tell You I’m Trans Before Dating You

Apparently You’re ‘Deeply Transphobic’ If You Don’t Want To Sleep With A Trans Person

Uh… Re: No, I Don’t Have To Tell You I’m Trans Before Dating You (Part 2)
Yes, You Absolutely Need To Tell Someone You’re Trans Before Dating

The idea that some transgenders and people in general think you shouldn’t be concerned over who you are getting involved with is really disconcerting. While there are some counter articles saying you need to absolutely tell someone you’re trans, what can people do to ensure they are really dating who they think they are? This is among one of the reasons i reluctantly refuse to date. I don’t want to offend a biological woman by getting a background and a DNA check on them before dating them. It just sounds disrespectful to me and i don’t know whether or not they would but it would be uncomfortable. So to avoid that awkwardness i refuse dating all together. As a 38 year old who has been single most of my life that just seems to just be that way.

Transgender and transgenderism is a mental illness.

The argument that a male can become a woman and vise versa is illogical.  “Transgender”: A Word that Defies Reality
I’ve seen the future that transgender activists are fighting for… and it’s terrifying
Trans Activists Don’t Want Compassion. They Want Science Denial And Heresy

The insanity just doesn’t stop there..

Transgender Ladies ask your men if hed
The left has gone completely insane art this point regarding transgender

Seriously? A lot of ladies are going to be single in that case.

Professionals blindly support transitioning as a treatment for people with gender dysphoria.

I don’t completely disregard the idea that people have gender dysphoria, but using transitioning as a treatment is just not a viable course of action. There are other alternatives but it won’t work if people do not seek them. Not saying that therapy conversion is the only answer but people like Kenneth Zucker are shut down because transgender activists do not want people with gender dysphoria to be ‘cured’ or as they like to say, ‘brainwashed’.

Laverne Cox speaks out against people who don’t see transgender women as real women

But, she said, “when we say that transgender women aren’t women, that is a way to discriminate against us.

“That is a way that folks use to deny us access and deny us healthcare and jobs, and it’s a reason that people perpetrate violence against us.”

That isn’t a legitimate reason to say that transgender women are women. If you are transgender you are discriminated regardless if you are called a woman or a fake woman. Covering up the fact that you are in fact male is deceptive, doesn’t matter if you intended it or not you are misleading people to think you are female when in fact you are male, you have male DNA and genitalia, therefore saying you are a woman is a deception. Transgender activists like to abuse the word of gender, the idea behind it that gender is a social construct and is not inherent to sex, regardless that gender has been inherent to sex. It has been followed by generations and because the 0.001% of individuals did not follow these guidelines does not make it the absolute truth that gender is separated from sex.


That is the absolute that has existed since the invention of the word gender. Our society is built on that and the transgender activism is attempting to dismantle everything regarding what civilization considers gender to be. So is a transgender woman a woman? No, they are transgender. It is real easy for a person who has a mental illness to say transgender women are in fact women. That’s just the way it is though, you can’t change biology. You can try to alter it and make it appear that you can but in essence, if you are born male you will die a male.

Transgenders as we know it are violent, prostitutes and a hazard to society.

The first incarnation of transgender i have heard of back in the 80’s they were often violent.. most of the time the news articles referred them to as “a male dressed in woman’s clothing and makeup committed murder” and you heard it often a couple of times a year generally forgetting that it ever happened. I know there are a lot of psychopaths out there and it was one of those things where it was like “wow that guy is mentally ill, dressed as a woman and killed two kids”.

Media Silent About Massacre Committed By “Transgender Woman” Who Hated All Men

It only seems fair that now they are often being quiet in crimes being committed by transgenders. Transgender activists want people to think that they are the victims by claiming they are the ones being attacked. Well which is true, but it’s the only thing the media reports regarding transgender violence is that the transgenders are the victims. Bat-wielding man hurls threats, hate at transgender Bronx couple Of course no one deserves to be attacked no matter if they are in the wrong, but i am going to say that it’s that way. Transgenders are being attacked left and right for being transgender. They are being deceptive by calling themselves women, posing as female.

“Do you feel good about deceiving people?”

The gang called the two “f—–s” and “Transformers,” according to police.

That is a regular thing, especially in social media. But in order to dig up dirt on transgenders, it’s a challenge considering the fact the media is more concerned with giving transgenders the spot light instead of showing what is actually going on.

Transgender conditioning in children is child abuse.

LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

Are you freaking serious!? Another article that grinds my gears is that people are actually celebrating an 8 year old drag queen. Now, drag queens are another story that well.. seems to be festered with sex symbolism and a part of transgenderism came from drag queens. But, if people are going to be enraged over this they should also be enraged over the idea of transgender kids. WTF!? Allowing a three-year-old to be transgender is insane

Prominent Feminist Claims Puberty Blockers For Transgender Kids Are “Criminal”

At least some people are upset that kids are being given puberty blockers and even allowing children to be transgender in the first place. If we are going to try to stop this, we will have to make transitioning illegal, at least with children for now. Children do not need to be exposed to transgenderism. It is child abuse..

Transgenderism is unhealthy and should not be encouraged.

Being transgender in America may be hazardous to your health, study shows

Being transgender is a hazard, dangerous and it is recommended to stay as far from the ideology as much as possible. It is time to fight back here. Otherwise more victims will be at the hands of the transgender activism. More violent attacks, verbal attacks which leads to suicide. Transgenders are mentally ill, that is the truth here. They need protection from themselves and others. Professionals need to be more helpful instead of promoting transgenderism in both children and adults. They are not helping the situation any and it continues in this downward spiral.

The madness isn’t ending.  These people are not thinking logically and it’s ending up being a war between whether transgenders should exist or not. A literal social and civil war. It shouldn’t come to this, having to write article such as this to try convincing people that being transgender is simply wrong. It’s illogical, counterproductive and it doesn’t help in the long run. When we have things like this happening, Transgender “girl” track star with mustache crushes female competitors
This Doctoral Student Identifies As A Hippopotamus ‘Tranimal,’ Says It Makes Him Feel ‘Sexy’

Transgender insanity has gone too far and for far too long, Barbara Kay: Transgendered advocacy has gone too far

We live in a Godless society. Blind transgender acceptance is a symptom of societal collapse.

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(Note: i am trying out this auto post feature, this may post later on tonight if you see it that means it worked!)

Parents and doctors who push ‘transgenderism’ on kids should be thrown in prison

Yes, i 100% agree with this, arrest and prosecute the enablers. I am tired of hearing about gender confusion in children, especially since it wasn’t even a rare event, it never happened! The story about how a 2 year old identifies as a transgender is absurd and nothing more than fiction. It’s always the same, “iv’e known since i was 2” (or 3 or 4). Most people only recall their childhood at 5 years. Many of these stories are from adults and the transgender activism is what is the main push with transgender kids.

NY Times: Doctors Right To Give Transgender Kids Puberty Blockers, Hormones At Younger Ages
‘Pure evil’: Yale medical fellow says doctors are right to give puberty blockers to transgender kids
Psychiatrist notes increase in children’s use of transgender as way to be different
Gender Expert Says Teens Are Trying To Be Transgender Because It’s Cool

And the madness continues, it is already dangerous for transgender people and that danger is being pushed onto children,

Transgender students cope with harassment
Research Claiming Sex-Change Benefits Is Based On Junk Science
Transgenders in Wisconsin file lawsuit to force taxpayers to pay for gender reassignment surgeries
Recognizing the Invisible: Transgender Suicide Should be of High Concern
Oklahoma official draws fire for “cross-dressers” warning email
Manchester, New Hampshire, School Board Tables Vote on Transgender Health Care
Boys Will Keep Winning Girls’ Sports Trophies Until We Are Willing To Re-Assert Sex Distinctions
Beyond the bathroom: Report shows laws’ harm for transgender students
Some Teens Are ‘Trying Out Being Transgender,’ but It’s Not What You Think
Pro-Transgender Activists Reportedly Assault Opposition

The only solution is to make transitioning illegal in children. Prosecute and send the enablers to prison is the best method. Eventually when kids find out how difficult it is to be transgender and puberty blockers and hormones will ruin the rest of their lives. It is not worth it.

And this is a reminder that being transgender is dangerous, it is not widely accepted in society,

This guy’s post was also taken down on Facebook and Facebook Suspends YouTuber for Disliking ‘Transgender Mother’ Commercial

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