
Posts Tagged ‘California’

California announced they plan to ban fossil fuel vehicles by 2035 had the internet in a storm. It got so much backlash that you got to see all sorts of memes..

Now despite the fact batteries are already toxic to the environment and is no better than fossil fuel vehicles, other than no tailpipe emissions that is really just harmful if you start the vehicle in an enclosed space like a garage or litterally inhale the fumes for long periods of time most of the newer cars built after 1990 has been better improved for cleaner air.

So really besides the fact people complain that fossil fuel vehicles made them sick is like stating someone painting the outside of their home did the same thing when they walked by and inhaled paint fumes. Unless you are standing there huffing a paint can it can’t really harm you.

Besides a lot of ridiculous regulations California has this has to top the highest a ban on fossil fuels by 2035. The internet exploded in fury. So many were upset over the fact they may not get to drive their gasoline vehicle by that time and it was actually almost quite comical which may backfire which is great because electric cars are for the rich. They have the money for the car and to get charging capabilities at home which can be over $5,000. Translate that to per parking spot in an apartment complex and you’re talking about hundreds more just for rent. If you are paying $800 a month, you’ll soon be spending over $1,200 a month just to have electric vehicle chargers. Not to mention the energy cost will go up as well. If Biden wins you could be spending $50 more in running just your fridge every month. You may as well just spend $8 a gallon in gas for all thats what it would be good for.

California can’t even keep their electric grid going. You either run your AC or stop using your TV, microwave and other electronic draining devices. Imagine having to shut off your fridge just to recharge your vehicle. Many are stranded without a vehicle because they were sold the idea that electric vehicles are the future.

Well the future is dumb.

The all electric car is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Meaning you are not saving the environment. People claim to spend money for solar. Most people don’t have that kind of money. So they are either stuck with using coal plant power or nuclear. Nuclear is cheap and currently the ideal method for lots of energy but environmentalists frown on that as well, something about using water to cool those rods might have something to do with it. But besides all that electric cars just transfer the emissions to power plants, or generators. And really the energy to make fuel is solely relied on your local power plant instead of a centralized place to refine gasoline which makes more sense to do then to add more strain to the electric grid. California is a joke with electricity. So basically people are charging their vehicles using a diesel generator and you pollute even more charging it for 5 or so hours because those generators are really just good for lights and maybe a fridge. Not designed for electric vehicles. Anyway this ban is trying to hype electric vehicles again because sales are “bad” when the electric vehicles never gained in popularity over the century and they have to find ways to push people into using them. They are not worth it. At least not for the next 20 or 30 years and by then combustion engine vehicles will burn completely clean making the bans pointless and electric vehicles will stay in the niche market because they are not practical. They can’t do anything if people stick with buying gasoline vehicles or hybrids if you want to go further on a single tank. In reality vehicles were never meant to be “plugged in” and this wasnt a very smart idea when you factor in the time it takes to charge along with not being able to charge because the range is generally not good let alone even on a lengthy trip, you will end up being close to being dead on the side of the road due to the lack of charging stations. Some people don’t even make it to the next charging station making gasoline vehicles more appealing for traveling.

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